Early Registration is postmarked on or before May 25, 2024.
Late Registration is postmarked between May 26 and June 5, 2024.
All Workshops/Presentations will be at Austin Peay State University’s Art + Design Building.
Early Price | Late Price
Chose one
Wednesday, June 5
Lunch included
Workshop 1 | Workshop 2 | Workshop 3
225.00 | 245.00
Includes Thursday, June 6 and Friday, June 7 workshops/presentations
Two lunches and banquet included
190.00 | 200.00
Includes Thursday, June 6 and Friday, June 7, workshops/presentations
Two lunches included
100.00 | 110.00
Choose Thursday, June 6 or Friday, June 7, workshops/presentations
Lunch included
55.00 | 60.00
Includes ONLY the banquet at F&M Bank’s Franklin Room on Friday, June 7.
“Meet the Authors” reception and book signing at 5:30pm with dinner at 6:00pm.
Please make a check payable to
AHDC – Clarksville Writers Conference
and send it, along with your completed registration form, to:
Clarksville Arts & Heritage Development Council
Attn: Katie Kennedy, Registrar
PO Box 555 | Clarksville TN 37041