Short Story Submission Rules Instructions:
> Maximum of 3,500 words or a maximum of 10 double-spaced pages of unpublished and not-under-contract English-language fiction manuscripts in the font of Times New Roman or Courier New with the font size of 12. Please do not go over the maximum word count unless it is mid-word or mid-sentence; then please complete the sentence.
Submissions can include Action, Adventure, Comedy, Contemporary, Cozy, Fiction, Historical, Investigator, Juvenile, Literary, Mainstream/Commercial, Mystery, New Age, Non-fiction, Sci- Fi/Fantasy, Short Story Collections, Southern Gothic, Supernatural, Suspense, Thriller, Western and Young Adult manuscripts, and any of their derivatives.
> Self-published materials are considered already published materials and are not eligible for submission.
> Submissions will be accepted from October 15, 2024, through February 15, 2025.
> A panel of judges will select the top 10 entries. The top ten finalists will then be sent to the head judge. Head Judge—Shana Thornton—will decide on the top 3 finalists and then finally the grand prize winner.
How To Submit
$35 fee per entry due at the time of submission (NO Refunds); payable via
PayPal to AHC. The website for the conference and contest is
Multiple submissions are allowed; a separate submission fee is required for each additional submission and all of the submission fees will be due at the time of submission.
> The subject line of your email submission should include “TMCWA,” 2025, and the TITLE of your manuscript. Example: TMCWA 2025—Alice in Wonderland Remix
> The submission should include 2 attachments per submission: a coversheet with your name, title of your manuscript, phone number, address, and email address on it and PDF attachment of your submission (No name or personal identifying information on the actual manuscript). Please put the title of the manuscript as a header on the submission, but not your name.
Sample Cover Letter
Alice in Wonderland Remix
Jane Doe
2323 Rabbit Hole
Queens Court, TN 33333
Entries will be blindly judged by a panel of judges before going to the head judge; if there is identifying information on the manuscript, then you will be disqualified.
> If plagiarism is suspected, the submission will be disqualified.
> No handwritten copies will be accepted.
> No AI Generated Submissions will be accepted.
> The top 3 finalists will be notified via email or phone by one of the committee members between mid-March and mid-April 2025.
1st Place – $250 cash prize plus a free admission to the 2026 Conference
2nd Place – $150 cash prize
3rd Place – $100 cash prize
The top 3 finalists will be announced at the conference and the prize baskets for the winners will be distributed at that time. The top three winners will not know their exact ranking until the time of the announcement at the conference.. A person does not need to be present to be a winner.
About Shana Thornton
Shana Thornton is the author of four works of fiction, RIPE FOR THE PICKIN’ (2022), THE ADVENTURES TO PAWNASSUS (2019), POKE SALLET QUEEN AND THE FAMILY MEDICINE WHEEL (2015) and MULTIPLE EXPOSURE (2012). She also author of the nonfiction, THE NUDGE WRITING PROMPTS (2023), and co-author of SEASONS OF BALANCE:ON CREATIVITY AND MINDFULNESS (2016). She is the Founder of the Clarksville/Montgomery County African American Legacy Trail (2019). Shana earned an M.A. in English from Austin Peay State University. She lives in Tennessee with her family.